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What is DIR/Floortime?

Does your child struggle with social skills, emotional regulation, or sensory processing?  Are your current therapeutic approaches supporting some aspects of development, but not addressing others?  Do you feel like your child isn't progressing as they could be?  Maybe an overarching D.I.R./Floortime approach is the key to help support the WHOLE child and not just isolated behaviors.


DIR/Floortime is a developmental framework that helps to inform intervention.  It includes utilizing meaningful relationships in a natural setting to help children build skills along a developmental trajectory.  It emphasizes following the child's lead, building upon motivating activities and interests, building communication through connection, and considering every child's unique individual differences in sensory processing, motor planning, information processing and other unique strengths and skills.


DIR/Floortime is done most effectively in the context of families and close relationships.  By working with families, intervention becomes a way of life that improves connections, supports development, and invites positive and lasting change.


DIR/Floortime welcomes many different interventions and approaches within its framework, allowing an eclectic mix of appropriate tools and supports based on individual needs, developmental levels and overall priorities. 

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